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Masters or PhD Research Assistantship (Green Infrastructure Impact on Groundwater)

Water jobs: Masters or PhD Research Assistantship (Green Infrastructure Impact on Groundwater) Employer: Marquette University
Job location: Milwaukee United States
Apply before: 27 Nov 2019


The Parolari Research Group in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at Marquette University invites applications for a funded masters or PhD research assistantship on green infrastructure impact on groundwater. Our research group combines experimental data, theory, and models to study interactions between hydrology and biogeochemistry in urban systems (

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Job description We are seeking highly motivated individuals with the ability to work across disciplinary and institutional boundaries. The successful candidate will have (1) a bachelors or masters degree in civil and environmental engineering or related field; and (2) experience with computer programming and mathematical modeling. Responsibilities will include a combination of field work, data analysis, and computer modeling. Strong consideration will be given to candidates with demonstrated background in programming, modeling, and data analysis, as well as excellent written and oral communication skills.

The assistantship can begin in either Spring or Summer 2020 and is supported by a research grant from the Water Equipment & Policy Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC). The primary objectives of the project are to (1) monitor green infrastructure impact on surface-subsurface flow interactions and (2) develop models to inform watershed-scale planning of green infrastructure.

Please send inquiries to Dr. Anthony Parolari (

, 414-288-3508). Interested candidates should send a cover letter, official or unofficial transcripts, CV/resume, and contact information for 2 references.

About Milwaukee and Marquette University

Located in Milwaukee WI on the shores of Lake Michigan, graduate research in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering at Marquette offers a unique opportunity to collaborate with industry and utility partners within the nation’s most densely populated water tech cluster. Marquette is a partner in the NSF- funded Water Equipment and Policy Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) ( and the Global Water Center, an accelerator space for water innovation (


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