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Statistical Software Package HEC-SSP
Offered by: Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), USACE
Research tool description
This software allows users to perform statistical analyses of hydrologic data. The current version of HEC-SSP can perform flood flow frequency analysis based on Bulletin 17B (Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data, 1982) and Bulletin 17C (England, et al., 2015), a generalized frequency analysis on not only flow data but other hydrologic data as well, a volume frequency analysis on high and low flows, a duration analysis, a coincident frequency analysis, and a balanced hydrograph analysis.
HEC-SSP is designed for interactive use in a multi-tasking environment. The system is comprised of a graphical user interface (GUI), separate statistical analysis components, data storage and management capabilities, mapping, graphics, and reporting tools.
Over a period of many years, HEC has supported a variety of statistical packages that perform frequency analysis and other statistical computations. Historically, the programs that received the most use within USACE were HEC-FFA (Flood Frequency Analysis) and STATS (Statistical Analysis of Time Series Data). HEC-FFA incorporates Bulletin 17B procedures that are used for flow frequency analysis. The STATS software package is used for statistical analysis of time series data. STATS can provide either analytical or graphical frequency analysis, specified by the user. STATS has the capability of computing monthly and annual maximum, minimum, and mean values along with computing a volume-duration analysis. Two other packages that have received a lot of use within USACE are REGFRQ (Regional Frequency Computation) and MLRP (Multiple Linear Regression Program). REGFRQ performs regional frequency analysis and MLRP is a multiple linear regression analysis tool.
The goal of HEC-SSP is to combine all of the statistical analyses capabilities of HEC-FFA, STATS, REGFRQ and MLRP while advancing the realm of statistical hydrology through cutting-edge techniques (such as the use of the Expected Moments Algorithm). The current version of HEC-SSP supports performing flood flow frequency analyses based on Bulletin 17B and Bulletin 17C guidelines, general frequency analyses, volume frequency analyses, duration analyses, coincident frequency analyses, and balanced hydrograph analyses. New features and additional capabilities will be added in future releases.
More information (external link to the tool)
Source: ARMY.MIL
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Statistical Software Package HEC-SSPThis software allows users to perform statistical analyses of hydrologic data. The current version of HEC-SSP can perform flo....