Research projects on water
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EURAINSAT - European satellite rainfall analysis and monitoring at the geostationary scale
Hosted by: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Keywords: Rainfall, remote sensing, EU, flood
Project description
EURAINSAT - European satellite rainfall analysis and monitoring at the geostationary scale
Project duration: 2001 – 2003
We address the issues under "1.1.4.-7.2. The development of generic Earth observation technologies", namely "Introduce scientific results into new or existing applications". Results are expected to be of very high relevance also for1.1.4.-1.5.2. and 1.1.4.-7.1.. A real-time method for cloud characterisation within a rapid cycle of rainfall estimation is proposed, exploiting multi spectral data from the new METEOSAT Second Generation SEVIRI radiometer and microwave data from SSM/I and TRMM. Operational use over large areas and data assimilation intones models for now casting and hydrology is envisaged, e.g. flood monitoring/prediction and hydro geological disaster management. Prototype systems are available and more research is needed for a better understanding of cloud and mesoscale processes leading to intense precipitation. A wide interest exists from relevant institutions world-wide.
Source of text, figures and links: IST World website
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Research projects on water
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