Scholarships in water studies/ research
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The Murray–Darling Freshwater Research Centre Honours Scholarship 2018
10 Oct 2017
Offered by: Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre
Scholarship funds: MSc program
Scholarship description
The Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre (MDFRC) in association with The Murray-Darling Basin Authority (on behalf of the joint governments) is committed to the generation and adoption of freshwater ecological knowledge to inform decision making.
The MDFRC and MDBA Collaboration Partnership (MMCP) invited applications for students to receive on of three available scholarships, who are undertaking research on the ecology and biogeochemistry of floodplain rivers and wetlands. Research themes that are considered within the scope for consideration include:
Plant ecology
Floodplain fish ecology
Food web ecology
Invasive aquatic species
Applicants must be enrolled or in the process of applying through La Trobe University for the Honours Program.
Are you eligible to apply?
To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, applicants must:
be enrolled or in the process of applying for the Honours Program at La Trobe University
be undertaking or intending to undertake research on the ecology and biogeochemistry of floodplain rivers and wetlands.
Recipients of the scholarship shall be selected by the University based on their:
These scholarships will be selected based on the students undergraduate course Weighted Average Mark (WAM) and the relevance of the Honours project to the MMCP.
Honours students will be supervised/co-supervised by MMCP researchers and will undertake a research project aligned with the objectives of the MMCP.
Scholarship location:Australia
More information (external link to the scholarship website)
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