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PhD Scholarship in Microbial Ecology And Fluid Dynamics

08 Oct 2017
Offered by: Technical University of Denmark
Scholarship funds: PhD program

Scholarship description

We are seeking a PhD student for a three-year PhD scholarship for a project at the interface between aquatic ecology and fluid physics at the Department of Physics (DTU Physics) and the National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua) at the Technical University of Denmark.

Responsibilities and tasks
The project on “The physics of microbial feeding: mechanisms and trade-offs” aims at elucidating mechanisms of prey encounter and capture in aquatic micro-swimmers (flagellates) and to estimate the trade-offs associated with feeding and swimming. The idea is to combine experimental and modelling approaches to assess efficiency, energy expenditure, and predation risk associated with the principal feeding and motility modes of organisms with diverse flagellar arrangements, ranging from choanoflagellates and other flagellates with a single flagellum, to organisms with 2, 4, 8, and many flagella. We will use a combination of direct observations with high-speed video-micrography, novel flow-visualisation techniques, and novel holographic tracking to quantify encounter rates, as well as fluid dynamical modelling to understand the underlying physics.

The four-year project is funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research and you can read more about the project here. The successful candidate will work in a dynamic group of physicists and biologists with interest in organismal fluid dynamics. The group is part of the vibrant, cross-disciplinary, and international research environment at the Centre for Ocean Life that is a Villum Kann Rasmussen Centre of Excellence. The centre is a collaborative effort to develop a fundamental understanding and predictive capability of marine ecosystems through the use of trait-based approaches.

We envisage a biologist or a physicist with interest in aquatic ecology and preferably with experience in experimentation with live plankton and/or in performing fluid dynamical experiments and/or in modelling.
Candidates should hold a MSc degree in physics, biology, engineering, or applied mathematics.

Scholarship location:Denmark

More information (external link to the scholarship website)

Source: WWW.DTU.DK

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