Scholarships in water studies/ research
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Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship
17 Sep 2017
Offered by: Australian Government
Scholarship funds: PhD program
Scholarship description
The Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship scheme is funded by the Australian Government and provides tuition fees to top quality international postgraduate students who wish to enrol in a research degree at Australian universities. This scheme replaces the International Postgraduate Research Scheme. The RTP Fee Offset and Stipend Scholarship is very competitive and awarded to approximately 30 students each year. Applications are assessed on academic merit and research potential. In addition to the RTP Fee Scholarship, the University of Sydney awards an RTP Stipend Scholarship to all International RTP Fee Scholarship recipients. This provides a stipend/living allowance.
Those under consideration for an RTP Fee Scholarship will automatically be considered for a University of Sydney International Scholarship, which also covers tuition fees and provides a stipend. Neither of these awards requires a separate application. Eligibility for the scholarship is based on a student's course application.
For information on Frequently Asked Questions such as deferment, key dates, and eligibility please check the FAQ page.
To be considered for an RTP Fee Scholarship, a student must:
Read the selection process and Research Experience guide
Download and complete the Research Experience Evidence Template according to the guidelines in the Research Experience Guide
Complete an application for admission for a Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy. In the application form for admission, when prompted, ensure you tick the relevant section on the admission form "Do you wish to be considered for an Research Training Program Fee Scholarship or University of Sydney International Scholarship (USydIS)?"
Upload the Research Experience form as evidence of application for RTP Fee Scholarship when submitting their course application.
Upload all other required supporting and Faculty specific documentation for application for admission.
Please note:
To be considered for both an RTP Fee Scholarship and admission to PhD, you must upload and submit all supporting documents required for your course application by the deadlines below. Research Experience Evidence forms should be uploaded with supporting course application documents. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Students are considered for an RTP Fee Scholarship and USydIS at the same time, and the awards have similar benefits.
Students may be considered for the scholarship before they have received a course offer, but must receive an unconditional course offer prior to receiving a firm scholarship offer.
Students without unconditional course offers at this time may be offered a conditional scholarship offer.
Unsuccessful applicants are encouraged to reapply if their situation changes (such as the publication of an article), and may be considered a maximum of three times in a five year period.
Scholarship location:Australia
More information (external link to the scholarship website)
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