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Summer school: System States and Transitions of Tidal Estuaries

Location: Lauenburg, Germany
Program type: Short course
Program starts: 14 Sep 2015
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Program description

General Information

Location: Island of Helgoland and Town of Lauenburg

The summer school on "System States and Transitions of Tidal Estuaries" will give an interdisciplinary overview on topics related to the functioning of tidal estuaries and their possible response to human impacts.

Experienced scientists from System Theory, Physical Oceanography, Sedimentology, Biogeochemistry, Marine Biology, Coastal Ecology, Marine Geology, and Economy will share their knowledge on estuarine systems with the students by providing state-of-the-art information and hands-on training during two intense weeks on the island of Helgoland and in the town of Lauenburg.

The Summer School, initiated by Hans Burchard from the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Research Warnemünde, is realized in cooperation of some of the leading National Centres for coastal research in Germany: Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht, MARUM, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Research Warnemünde. They have been organizing a common annual summer school since 2002 in Sylt, Helgoland, Büsum and Warnemünde.

Note that successful applicants will get substantial financial support for their participation.

Application deadline:

More information (external link to the program)

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