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PhD programs

List of PhD positions with studentship. PhD positions with employment are listed here


Offered by: Princeton University
Study location: Princeton, USA
Program type: PhD
Keywords: geosciences

Ph.D. Requirements: Courses: Course work requirements are flexible and depend on the track chosen. All incoming students are required to follow an introductory course on the fundamental questions in the geosciences, covering both solid....

Climate Variability and Impacts

Offered by: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Study location: Cambridge, USA
Program type: PhD
Keywords: Climate change, ocean

Oceans and Climate Variability: The ocean covers 70% of the Earth’s surface and, through its exchange of heat, water and compounds with the atmosphere, the lithosphere, and the cryosphere, it plays a key role in our climate system. The ocean also....

Water Resources Science Graduate Program

Offered by: University of Minnesota
Study location: St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Program type: PhD
Keywords: water resources, limnology, oceanography

The Water Resources Science (WRS) Program offers the following degrees: Students can earn interdisciplinary master’s and doctoral degrees in water resources in one of three emphases: •

Water Resources Program

Offered by: University of Idaho
Study location: Moscow, Idaho, USA
Program type: PhD
Keywords: management, law, policy, engineering

Managing today’s water resources is a complex job, far more complex than it was a hundred years ago, when many of today’s water management organizations began. To produce professionals who will be at the top of their game when dea....

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Applied ecology and environmental management

The MSc in Applied Ecology and Environmental Management, MSc - 2019/20 programme provides students with an extensive applied ....

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