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Publications: PhD theses

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Estimating combined loads of diffuse and point-source pollutants into the Borkena River, Ethiopia

Author(s): Eskinder Zinabu Belachew
Produced by: Wageningen University

Estimating the relative contribution of heavy metals and nutrients loads from diffuse and point sources and various hydrological pathways is a major research challenge in catchment hydrology. Understanding of the transfer, loads and concentrat....

Quantitative risk analysis of urban flooding in lowland areas

Author(s): Ten Veldhuis, J.A.E.
Produced by: Delft University of Technology
Keywords: flood risk, urban, lowland

Urban flood risk analyses suffer from a lack of quantitative historical data on flooding incidents. Data collection takes place on an ad hoc basis and is usually restricted to severe events. The resulting data deficiency renders quantitative assessme....

From gravel to sand: Downstream fining of bed sediments in the lower river Rhine

Author(s): Roy Frings
Produced by: Utrecht University
Keywords: sediment transport, Rhine, dunes

Given my fascination for mountainous areas, it was a rather daring action to start a PhD research on lowland river dynamics, but I have never regretted the choice. Rivers, their landscapes, morphology and deposits turned out to be equally enthralling....

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From gravel to sand: Downstream fining of bed sediments in the lower river

Estimating the relative contribution of heavy metals and nutrients loads from diffuse and point sources and various hydrologi....

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